Friday, March 13, 2015

Eating is not Cheap!

I was looking over my credit card bill yesterday and I happen to count the number of times and cost of our grocery shopping. It came out to 8 times shopping at a cost of $465 for two people. I said to myself who eats that much food in a month? What I realized was that most of the food that we spent money on consisted of meats. Which as we all know can be expensive. I purchased two corn beefs on sale at $14.98 and $19.75. if they were not on sale the regular price would have been $23.98 & $25.99. I can not believe still that two people eat that much in food. I told my partner that we have to count back on our grocery shopping and our spending on unnecessary items in the grocery store. Let me ask you do you spend that much on food? On to other news  I had to close my ING or shall I say Capitol One360 saving account it had $44 dollars in it and I found myself not using it so I closed it and had them send me a check. What  am I going to do with this $44 is yet to be determined. I will let you know. Also I spent $20 on you guessed it Lotto tickets yesterday. Hey I still feel you have to be in it to win it. So what do you think?

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