Sunday, August 7, 2016

Happy Sunday!

Hello Everyone, Well this is my Story for the weekend. It's been hot and I have been lazy. Nothing really special to report. Did I mention that my tenant keeps calling me  about  when she's getting a new washing machine. I told her I was in the process of looking for one. I thought to myself there is no where in her lease that states  I owe her a washing machine if I choose not to buy one. But I will I just need the price to be under $200. The lowest I can get a washing machine for is $400 and that includes delivery and them taking my old machine away. I hate paying that much but I have no other choice. Appliances are expensive.

On to other things I can not believe that it's back to school time already, glad I don't have to deal with that because if I did I know just where to go. I would go to Walmart and stores that are going out of business if I had to buy clothing and stuff for my children. I also would shop my local thrift and good will stores for some of the things that they might need. Hey don't knock good will  or thrift stores. I have seen some pretty nice stuff in them and some of that stuff was brand new and cheap.

That's about all  for right now I am just focusing on losing weight before December gets here and making money. Oh I got a $75 check from a mystery shopping company that I  worked for last month. I was happy about that . As you know I am always looking for ways to make a buck. 
                                                              So what do you think?

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