You know as well as I do that this is Income Tax Season. I see the commercials on TV stating that you let us do your taxes and you will get a bigger refund then last year. I see all the H&R block commercials. I read all the articles on the Internet about what to do with your tax refund. I have seen all that stuff. But my question to you is what are you going to do with your tax refund and most importantly what should I do with mind. I am counting on a nice refund of about $3000,00.( hopefully) and have not even filed my taxes yet. What I would like to do with the money is put some of it toward investment($500) and some of it toward fun($300). The rest of it I would save because that is the money I would live on.
I remember when I was working and I use to get refunds of $4000. combined city and state refunds. I use to take that $4000.00 and add another $3000. to make $7000.00 for my mother. The reason that I had to give my mother $7,000. a year is that she held the second mortgage on my home and I wanted to pay her off as quick as possible. So the bulk of my income taxes for the last 8-10 years went to her. Now that I have a mortgage free home( Thank God!) I have my Income tax returns to myself I saved last years to live on and I probably would do the same this year. I will let you know.
So on another note who wants to help me shovel snow? It's fun, good exercise and it would be a great help
so can I count you in? What do you think??
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