Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Hello all well here's the story for the week. I am pissed off.  Because I got screwed royally. Here's why. I collect my pension from working for the city for many years this month. Mind you I have been keeping tabs on what I would get when I did start collecting my pension. So, when the pension letter came saying  I would actually get $200 less than  what they said previously.  I was pissed and shocked at the same time. Thank God I wasn't really counting on that money to live on.  If I did, I would be in real trouble. It's not that I am not grateful for the money. I am but the amount I will be getting monthly for working and taking bull-sh*t all those years working for the city is not even enough to live on in New York. Let alone any other place. Thank God I had the fore site to save money when I started working. if I didn't, I would be in real trouble. Nobody can live on the pension amount I will be getting it's under $1000 a month.

Here's something else I got a contractor to do some work I needed he quoted me $10,000 for the work. I wanted done. I told him really that much. he said yes. Then he started telling me how he can get the supplies he needed to do the job for free. So, what's would the $10,000 he quoted before then his personal pockets??  Now. I have to get 2 to 3 more estimated from other contractors to see what the real going price is for the work I need done. This week was not a good week for me what about you? 

After all this I might have to go back to work just to get my bills paid. Part-time of course

                                             That's my story what do you think?


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