Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Hello all well here's the story for the week. I am pissed off.  Because I got screwed royally. Here's why. I collect my pension from working for the city for many years this month. Mind you I have been keeping tabs on what I would get when I did start collecting my pension. So, when the pension letter came saying  I would actually get $200 less than  what they said previously.  I was pissed and shocked at the same time. Thank God I wasn't really counting on that money to live on.  If I did, I would be in real trouble. It's not that I am not grateful for the money. I am but the amount I will be getting monthly for working and taking bull-sh*t all those years working for the city is not even enough to live on in New York. Let alone any other place. Thank God I had the fore site to save money when I started working. if I didn't, I would be in real trouble. Nobody can live on the pension amount I will be getting it's under $1000 a month.

Here's something else I got a contractor to do some work I needed he quoted me $10,000 for the work. I wanted done. I told him really that much. he said yes. Then he started telling me how he can get the supplies he needed to do the job for free. So, what's would the $10,000 he quoted before then his personal pockets??  Now. I have to get 2 to 3 more estimated from other contractors to see what the real going price is for the work I need done. This week was not a good week for me what about you? 

After all this I might have to go back to work just to get my bills paid. Part-time of course

                                             That's my story what do you think?


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Good Times

 Hello all well here's the story for the week. I finally got a settlement check that I had been waiting on for 4 years. It was nice to finally get it also my pension from working for the city will be here in August so that's nice since I have been waiting 8 years for that. I figure I could splurge a little. So I did go to Atlantic City spend about $1000 for 4 days. I mostly went for the beach. I did my nails but never again doing nails cost too much. $40 dollars a pop too rich for my blood. I mostly saved the rest.

Let me tell you what happen yesterday.  I got a phone call from a women saying she lived in the neighborhood of my rental home and if I was rented it. Since it sits empty right now. The women said she had a family interested in renting it. So I said I would rent it for $3000. I was just throwing out a crazy number knowing she would say for  get it because to me that's crazy to rent something so high. But she said the family can pay 2800 a month. I was shocked people are paying so much to rent places. So, I am seeing the family soon for an interview. Nothing is set. Not sure if I want to rent it or wait and sell  at the end of the year. I could use the rental money to pay some of the rental home bills that I have to pay out of pocket. Also, if I rent it I would have to get a new microwave and washing machine the ones in the rental home is broke. Which means more money out of my pocket.

                                                 Well that's my story what do you think?

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Happy July

Hello all Happy July! Well, here's the story for the week. Bills and more bills!! Why is it the summer months you get the most bills. Can anyone explain that to me please.  As you know for my birthday I went to Atlantic City to gamble dinking and have fun. The gambling and drinking were ok but the fun not so much. When I made my hotel reservation the women told me that I had complimentary comedy tickets for Mondy night show. When I went to get the tickets, they weren't there. No free show tickets and the normal price was $35 dollars a person. I passed on that. The gambling was lousy no real big money to be made and the drinks were more fruit juice then liquor. But I did go to the beach which was a plus I love the beach not the sand so much. 

But coming home I looked forward to my settlement check that came before I  left  for my mini vacation. It was four years in the making and let's say it made my gambling money that I spent less a problem. The money was put in a Cd anyway to gain some interest and to see what I want to do with it later on. Do you know how many years it takes to get money from a lawsuit a long darn time. Plus, if lawyers are involved, they take a 1/3 of the settlement which is a lot.  

Now my next project is to get my second home sold and out of my hands . I am getting tired of doing yard work and clean up just to make the place look nice .Did I mention the bills that come with the place  that I have to pay because I can't rent it out.  

          Well, that's my story what do you think? Have a safe and Happy July 4th