Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 Hello family well here's the story for the week. I almost got robbed. Not really but it felt like it. Here's the story. I went to the bank to transfer money from one account to another. The amount was large, but the money was going into another account.  I was not getting any of it. The bank which is a commercial bank wanted my bank card. showed it, then they wanted only me to put in my pin number for the bank card. My partner's name is on the account also could not do it for me. Then they wanted to send me an identification number through my phone so that I could take the money out to transfer it. I asked the teller it's my money why all this bull crap. The teller said that the bank is taking extra precautions because of the creative ways people steal other people's money now.

I told the teller well really, I was pissed at this point, so I was yelling at the teller telling him that your bank did not do all this when they were taking my money for deposits. They just took it now it seems to be a problem with me getting it back. I told the teller what you would do if I took all my money out of this bank. Ask me to bring my mother in for verification of my birth and tell you who my daddy was before I could get all of my money out of this bank. I also told him that If I get a lawyer, I bet there would be no problem getting my money then. I was mad. The teller apologized and said it was company policy.  He also said that I have never took that much money from my account before. My partner kept saying I told you to just write a check and deposit it into the account and problem solved. I know next time. Banks trying to take people's money and don't want to give it back. Almost like robbing people.

                                               That's my story what do you think?


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