Sunday, September 22, 2019

Not Me!

Hello all well here's the story for the week.. My partner had surgery this past Monday. I stayed in the hospital for about 10 hours. Thank god everything went well. After all was said and done I took him home on that Tuesday. Now I am playing nurse maid. I realize that it's not in my nature to care for people in this way. I will help you but I do have my limits. I know it sounds selfish. Maybe I am but caring for somebody who are  so needed is not in me to do.
I realize that I am not that person. I also realize that I have no patience for anybody or anything as I get older.Everything seems to get on my nerves nowadays. I blame it on all the medication I take but really it's just my personality.
 There is so much to do like clean my rental home, get a repairman to fix the problem in it, fix the refrigerator that now seem to be broke, deal with the last tenant , take care of my sick partner and deal with other financial matters all of this makes me want to scream.
But I keep remembering the saying that god does not give you more then you can handle. I guess he feels I an handle all of this I will let you know how I goes

So that's my story what do you think?  

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