Hello all Happy New Year. So expensive my medical insurance will be in 2022. I am on my partners medical plan, and they are switching over to a new health care plan. Which if we stay with our old plan, we will be paying around $300 a month for the two of us. That money was not planned for in the 2022 budget. Yes, I am doing a budget this year because our spending is a lot. But that is due to repairs, food and misc. spending. Nothing to fancy just basic living.
Since I am a worry wart I try and plan for things in advance but with life you cannot because you never know what will be around the corner where you have to spend money. I am trying to think of my future and if my income changes to less than what I am living on now. How will II mange my basic living expenses. So this year 2022 I am on a strict budget to see how it all goes.
Also, I plan on getting rid of my old van it's more headache than it's worth and selling my childhood home since it is costing me money to have an empty house just sitting there. So what are you New Years plans?
That's My story what do you think?