Hello Every One Happy Sunday! Well here's my story for the week. I am working my AssOff! I am trying to walk as much as I can. Eating right I am still working one. One thing at a time for me. I got this little thing called a walkometer. It's the kind that you hook to your belt while walking and it reads the miles you walked or the calories your have burned. I love it. I take it every where with me. It keeps me accountable for my walking. I love it even more because it was free. Anyway I went to Sears yesterday to look at washing machines. Remember I told you that my tenant asked for a washing machine because my 20 year old one broke down. Well I am in love because I saw a washing machine that's coin operated ( like the one in the picture) You have to put $2 in it in order for it to work. I love it but the price I don't love $1700. Man I want that for my rental home. With this kinda machine the money that I would get from it would help me pay my high water bill. Since I could not afford this machine I did find some cheaper ones that were about $294-359. But I am looking for that $159 dollar machine. I know I am dreaming but what the heck. I could have gotten the $50 machine I told you about but I did not want the problems that might have come with a used machine.
So far I have saved $500 in coins that's now in my Kellogg stock. See what you can do when you save your loose coins. I still give them about $25 every other month. So far I have been doing it for a few months now. I heard Kellogg's might purchased another company so hopefully my stock will be more valuable once this purchase goes through. Who knows with these things.
I have goal and one is to save money for my cruise in December 2016 and Oct 2017. So I am on the $1 a day challenge.I will use this money that I save on this challenge toward my cruise expenses. Last but not least I got screwed by the mystery shop company. That's how I make my extra $$. I requested 5 shops to do for August they gave me........ Only 1 to do. I hate when a Mystery shop company gets funky with assigning shops to people. Do they not realize people like me depend on that money since I am no longer working. This is my pocket and vacation money.
So that's My Story What do You Think?