Saturday, August 24, 2024


 Hello Everyone, well here's the story for the week. I got a Suprise yesterday in the form of a $657.00 energy bill. I'm on the budget plan when it comes to my energy bill. So, every month I know what my bill will be which is about $240 a month. I know expensive right. Anyway, I get this extra energy bill sating that they under charged me on my level billing plan and since they under charged me I now owe them $657.00 for their error. What if I don't have that kind of extra money for them and also why should I have to pay for their error. When I got this bill, this depressed me for the rest of the day. I hate paying bills!

I am trying to save money for my vacation next year as well as downsizing my place. Every have just too much stuff that just sits around collecting dust? I got a place that will take all your junk no questions asked and I've been going there ever week giving them all my unwanted stuff. They are a god send because I have a lot of stuff to get rid of.

When did tires get so expensive? had two tires fixed at my gas station they charged me $400 for two new tires. I use to buy tires at Sears for $79 bucks back in the day, What happened?

                             Well, that's my story for the week what do you think?


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Nothing Special

Hello all well here's the story for the week. Nothing special but it's pouring for me right now when it comes to repairs. My outside sidewalk needs fixing. the rubber to seal my refrigerator is broke and I might need a new washing machine. Can you say expensive? Good news I won some money at the casino yesterday which might cover some of the repairs I needs. Well, the little repairs that is.

                 Other than that same story for me just a different day. How about you?

                                                  That's my story what do you think?