Hello Everyone. Well here's my story for the week... Beware.... Of lawyers they will rip you off if you let them. Tell you what happen. My partner was getting a settlement for some property that his family owned back in the day. The lawyer he hired regarding this property stated in order to get things done right my partner had to be made the executor of the state. So that he can claim proper ownership of this property which would then entitle him to more $$ for the sale of the property.That cost us $2500 to get this done. We paid it. Mind you we never got the documents so that he could be made the executor from the lawyer. So now when the settlement check comes for the property which we told our lawyer to handle everything. He did but he states that he's charging us $1850 for just sending some e mails and reading some papers after we already paid him $2500. Really!!!
I have a meeting with him next week and you know what I am going to tell him right.. Mind you I like to cuss. We are not made of money over here..Lawyers rip you off and smile in your face all nice when they do it. I am starting to not like them... So that's my story for the week What do you think???