Friday, July 11, 2014

Just 2 weeks....

In just 2 weeks I will really be free from my stressful and boring job. I know that at this time in my life I am in my 50's that it's crazy to leave a City job since they are so hard to get. But my reason is if you have been sitting still for 19 years with little money and no advancement to show for it, Why stay?? I am more anxious, excited and more alive knowing that I only have 2 weeks to work then I have ever been in the last year. I realize that it's a challenge to leave a job with no money prospects and a hope wing and prayer  but I am ready for the challenge to do something different with the rest of my life. Hopefully it will be more interesting then what I have been doing for the last 19 years. Now to work on a budget and start my no spend days..... 

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