Wednesday, October 29, 2014

House Money....

It's almost been 3 months since I left my job. I have been looking for ways to make $$ as you know but no luck. My partner keeps telling me that I get an income from the house we are renting. I keep telling him that that's not my money it's the house money. It belongs to the house which means that the rent checks are not to be used for nothing but the house. And maybe to purchase another house but it is not to be used for me to live on. He looks at me like I am crazy when I say that. I told him when the tenants move out where is the money coming from   to pay for  repairs, taxes, insurance, heating etc for the house. Not out of my pocket I don't have the money. So that's why the house has it's own bank account for it's expenses. I will keep looking for ways to make $$ but using the house account is out? So what do you think???

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