Saturday, July 19, 2014

Next To Last Paycheck

It's scary to think that I only have one more paycheck and then no more. My next to last paycheck was for $280. For 2 weeks. I normally make more but I have been out a lot from my job and I did not get paid for it. Am I scared of what my future holds--- Yes but am I ready some what it's scare quitting a job you had for 19 years to venture into the unknown. But i have prepared for it for 19 years by saving my ass off. So financially I am ready I just have to buckle down and really be frugal. Which I am learning how to be now. I know it's all a mind thing but my mind is saying it's not ready to be frugal. Besides that I had to leave my job it was effecting my health I am a diabetic and my numbers stayed high while I was working Since I will no longer be working the stress and   commute ( takes me  2 hours to get to work) along with .bad eating habits will be replaced with healthy  eating stuff , bike and no stress. So I Hope! 
Have a great Spirited, Frugal , Fun Day!

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